TrioClear™ Scan and Go Course at the Galgorm Resort

TrioClear™ Scan and Go Course at the Galgorm Resort

TrioClear™ Scan and Go Course at the Galgorm Resort

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Hi, my name is Nathan Stewart and I am the U.K. and Ireland National Manager for our clear aligner system – TrioClear™.

I have spent several years working alongside dental practitioners who prescribe TrioClear™ to their patients and in that time, I have gained a real understanding what they need from a clear aligner system – Quality and affordability are both important but excellent support is vital across both day-to-day customer service and education.

With that experience in mind I, alongside Dr Marie-Pierre Moulin-Romsee (Orthodontist and TrioClear™ European Clinical Lead) designed the TrioClear™ Scan and Go Course to provide a dentist with training on how to manage the various steps involved in a patient’s clear aligner journey.

The course includes information on 6 important areas:

  1. Case Selection – Ensuring that a dentist has the knowledge and confidence to choose patients with a malocclusion that their experience can predictably manage.
  2. Obtaining Patient Data – Highlighting the importance of patient records in achieving good patient outcomes. This includes a live demonstration on how to take an intraoral scan suitable for clear aligner therapy.
  3. Case Submission – How submit a case to the TrioClear™ Online Platform which is required before our team of experienced technicians can build an iDesign Clinical Simulation and Treatment Plan.
  4. Understanding a Clinical Simulation – Proficiency in treatment planning is fundamental to achieving predictable treatment outcomes.
  5. Patient Management – Understanding the various patient appointments required from initial consultation to the aligner fit appointment and then onward to check-up appointments. The course also includes a hands-on session on IPR and Attachment placement.
  6. Align & Restore – Training a dentist to think about pre-restorative alignment using TrioClear™ which can improve clinical outcomes in more than 49% of restorative cases.

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On the 25 October 2024, we held our 4th TrioClear™ Scan and Go Course at the Galgorm Resort (Ballymena, County Antim). It was a pleasure to host 15 dentists who are now in a position to use TrioClear™ aligner system to enhance their career, practice offerings and the treatment of their patients.

If you would be interested in taking part in a future training course, please feel free to contact me directly on

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