Modern All-Ceramic Material Options (On-Demand)

Modern All-Ceramic Material Options (On-Demand)

Modern All-Ceramic Material Options (On-Demand)

A free to access and on-demand webinar for Dental Professionals.




  • Format: On-Demand
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Speaker: Dr David Reaney


Upon viewing this webinar, you will have furthered your understanding of the following key areas:

  • The Range, Physical Characteristics and Aesthetic Properties of each of the Ceramic Materials currently available.
  • The Clinical Application of the Various Ceramic Systems.
  • Tooth Preparation, Surface Treatment and Bonding.

The correct application of restorative materials is key to improving outcomes.

Clinicians use all-ceramic restorations routinely in dentistry today. The rapid rate of innovation with regard to materials, computer-aided design/ computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies, and intraoral data acquisition systems has resulted in the need for dental care professionals to familiarize themselves with a large body of knowledge to make use of the almost limitless possibilities that these systems offer.

At SCD, we currently provide a variety of these options from e.max® and Ultra-Translucent Zirconia (UZir) to VITA Enamic which are used to restore cases at our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities.

In this 45-minute lecture, our clinical advisor, Dr David Reaney will describe the various all-ceramic crown and bridge material options that are currently available and explains which clinical indication suits each option best.

Course Speaker


Dr David Reaney BDS DGDP(UK) MClinDent (Prosthodontics) FICD.

  • BDS(Edin) with Distinction in Conservative & Prosthetic Dentistry.
  • Diploma in General Dental Practice DGDP(UK) (RCS London) and Master of Clinical Dentistry Degree in Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics (MClinDent) at the King’s College Dental Institute, London (2003).
  • Clinical Director of David Reaney Associates with practice limited to Prosthodontic and Implant Dentistry.
  • Expert Witness in Dento-Legal cases and also acts as Clinical Advisor and Expert to the General Dental Council (London).
  • Clinical Advisor at SCD.

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