Case Studies

SCD Case Study: May 2023

Dr. Claire O’ Connor

This patient was a 72 year old male who was very aesthetically/dentally aware. He presented seeking an improvement in the appearance of the upper anterior teeth. I decided to replace the 6 old failing feldspathic crowns with 6 new e.max® crowns.

TRI matrix Case Study

Dr David Reaney

This patient required the replacement of the missing lower posterior teeth on both sides of the arch to provide additional posterior support. His main concern was a functional deficiency with difficulty eating although secondary to this was an aesthetic issue in that he was concerned about the appearance of the missing lower teeth.

TrioClear – Clinical Case 3

Dr. Emma Dougherty & Dr. David Reaney

The patient presented requesting treatment to improve the appearance of her upper anterior teeth. She had a missing UL1 which had been replaced with a resinbonded bridge some years previously. The bridge pontic was much larger than the adjacent teeth and this was the main reason for presenting for treatment.

TrioClear – Clinical Case 2

Tomas Mortier

The patient consulted our practice for a second opinion. There was a need for an aesthetic and functional solution to the current situation. In particular, the patient wanted the very extreme crowding in the upper and lower jaw resolved.

TrioClear – Clinical Case 1


This patient consulted me with the request to improve the crowding in the lower jaw. After assessment we noticed small rotations of the 12 and 22 and a deep bite. We approved the treatment plan with 9 cycles and IPR in step 1 and 7. The patient was happy with the end result.

TRI matrix Case Book Vol 2

Dr. Joel Teles, DDS, Et Al.

This Digital Workflow Guideline shows throughout the book the selected software and technology partner chosen for each step.

TRI matrix Case Book Vol 1

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Ronald E. Jung, PhD, Et Al.

This casebook features exclusively dental implant cases with the matrix® implant system, the world´s first dental implant without an abutment for the digital workflow. The below digital workflow guideline shows throughout the book the selected software and technology partner chosen for each step.

Composite Injection Technique (F.I.T.)

Dr. Lauranne Vandendael

While more costly porcelain restorations remain the mainstay in this treatment modality, composite restorations have always been an economical alternative. Using the injection moulding technique, composite restorations are created by injecting the composite into a silicone key that is directly positioned into the patient’s mouth.

SCD Case Study: April 2018

Dr Ambrish Roshan

30-year-old female presented to our practice requesting a new smile. Her main criteria for any proposed treatment option was for it take the shortest possible time frame. She has a class 2 division II incisor relationship on a class 1 skeletal base complicated by a retained upper right primary canine associated with a palatally impacted UR3.

SCD Case Study: March 2018

Dr Joanne Gracey – 1082150

The patient presented with heavily restored, discoloured and worn upper incisors. The patient requested an improvement in the shape and colour of the upper anterior teeth.

SCD Case Study: February 2018

Dr David Reaney - 1090222A

The patient presented with a failing maxillary dentition and her main concerns were a lack of function and the appearance of her upper teeth. Following an examination and treatment planning which included a discussion of the available options and their risks.

SCD Case Study: December 2017

Dr Derek Bingham BDS

The patient presented with 12 missing teeth which had been extracted approximately 15 years earlier. He also required treatment for tooth wear and caries.

EVO Fusion Twin

Dr. Marc De Meirsman

This Fusion TWIN denture technique is a seamless, technically and clinically integrated workflow. This scan protocol delivers increased patient acceptance and satisfaction and improves the patient experience as it requires only 2 or 3 visits to the practice.

Aesthetic dentistry: The contribution of the spectrophotometer Rayplicker

Dr Edouard Lanoiselée, France

Our patients’ demands are more and more advanced in terms of aesthetic and functional results, yet they have less and less time to dedicate to treatments. We now have a lot of equipment at our disposal enabling this optimisation.

Successful vertical dimension change by using the Penn Composite Stent™

Dr Brenda Baker

This case study features how the vertical dimension can be altered to increased visible tooth structure for a more attractive smile. The dentist used the Penn Composite Stent™ for the upper arch and Michigan splint for the lower arch to improve dental appearance.

Minimal Intervention Dentistry – The Penn Composite Stent™

Dr Brenda Baker

This case study features the process of working out a treatment plan for a full mouth rehab, looking at using the Penn Composite Stent™ for 8 upper teeth and 4 lower teeth. After the case presentation appointment, the patient understood the implications of both non-treatment and the proposed treatment, and elected to proceed with the treatment plan.

Implant-supported Overdentures

Dr Brenda Baker

This case study details a patient who initially presented with both upper laterals fractured at the gum line (Fig. 1). Teeth 26 and 24 were missing. Intraoral examination indicated evidence of generalised moderate to severe periodontitis. After discussing options with the patient, the patient decided on replacement of missing/unrestorable teeth with implant/crowns.

Removable Partial Denture

Dr Brenda Baker

This case study details a patient whose chief complaints were of a lost filling and chipped lower front teeth (teeth 41,42), appearance of 11 and 21 not being aesthetic, and wished to have old amalgam restorations replaced.


Dr Brenda Baker

This case study details a patient who presented to the surgery with the chief complaint of a loose front tooth which was uncomfortable upon chewing and pressure. A diagnosis of internal resorption was given and it was recommended that that tooth be removed and other restorative options be assessed.

Implant Rehabilitation 2

Dr Brenda Baker

This case study details a patient who presented to the surgery after a football accident when he was knocked in the mouth. On examination there was a crack in the tooth and the patient was advised that it was unable to be saved. After the treatment plan discussions, the patient opted to have the implant.

Implant Rehabilitation

Dr Brenda Baker

This case study details a patient who was concerned that she had been wearing the same full upper denture for 40 years. The patient expressed a desire to have the lower teeth removed and new full upper and full lower dentures constructed. The patient’s wish was not to have to go to the dentist again.

Dry Mouth

Dr Brenda Baker

This case study details a patient who has experienced xerostomia as a result of treatment for squamous cell carcinoma of the left tonsil involving surgery followed by deep x-ray therapy.

Worn Dentition and Broken Down Teeth

Dr Brenda Baker

A female aged over 70 presented with an unremarkable medical history seeking a comprehensive examination as the last dental examination was over four years ago. The patient is a non-smoker. Her main concerns were her worn dentition and broken down teeth.

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